3 Easy Ways to Manage Sciatic Pain

            Sciatic pain is a drag. It can last years and be extremely debilitating. It can affect hobbies, sleep, and general well being. It can also be difficult to determine the root cause of sciatic symptoms. Often times, professional help is required in order to determine the clinical root cause in order to eliminate the symptoms forever. Addressing posture, lumbar mobility, and hip mobility are three common methods for improving sciatic symptoms. It is important to note, if you attempt these easy methods and are not seeing improvements or getting worse, contact your physical therapist for a more thorough evaluation.


            Faulty sitting posture is one of the most common sources of dysfunction for sciatic pain. There is a reason desk workers or drivers get this type of pain so often. Even elite athletes come to my evaluation room with reports of sciatica simply from sitting on a plane and traveling to Europe. Poor sitting posture is an easy fix to incorporate if you are prone to these types of symptoms. Often times, our backs are rounded into lumbar flexion, which causes us to slump over. This poor positioning is what brings out sciatic symptoms over time. Lumbar rolls are a great tactile cue to facilitate improved lumbar lordosis. This creates a healthy curvature in your low back which reduces pressure on your discs and nerve roots, thus creating a healthier, functioning spine. Next time you find yourself sitting for hours on end, consider addressing your sitting posture!

Cobra stretch for improved “lumbar lordosis”

Proper sitting posture with a lumbar roll


            Speaking of improved lumbar lordosis, aka lumbar extension, there are a few easy exercises that facilitate this therapeutic range of motion. Laying on your belly, keeping your pelvis glued to the ground, and pressing up into a “cobra stretch” position is a great way to facilitate lumbar extension! Even just laying on your belly and propping your upper body up onto your elbows is a great way to reduce symptoms! The point is, you need to put yourself into lumbar extension frequently. Performing this maneuver several times a day often times is the key to managing sciatic pain.


            Finally, simple hip mobility is an excellent way to reduce sciatic symptoms. Hip external rotation and hamstring flexibility are arguably the two most important factors in managing sciatic pain. Simple passive or active hamstring stretching and mobility make a world of difference. Regarding hip external rotation, figure-4 stretches, pigeon stretches or even squat mobility are easy methods for not only symptom management but also prevention. When addressing sciatic symptoms, mobility is king!

Simple stretches such as hamstring or figure-4 stretching in order to decrease sciatic symptoms


            Improving sitting posture, low back range of motion, and hip mobility are the most common, easy, ways to help with sciatic pain. If you have sciatic pain that persists, consider contacting a direct access performance based physical therapist. The PATH Rehab & Performance offers free 30 minute discovery calls, where we can discuss symptoms, goals, and answer any questions and/or concerns you may have. If you are in pain, it doesn’t have to be that way. Ask for help!

Dr. Cody Benavides

PT, DPT, TPIcert

Co-Owner | The PATH Rehab & Performance


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