How to Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate

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Let’s start off with a few simple questions - How many of you have ever been confused trying to navigate around our current healthcare system? Have you ever blindly trusted your doctor’s opinion without asking questions? Have you ever regretted getting a surgery and felt you were better off before? Do you have difficulties understanding your own health insurance?  


The healthcare world is a scary and confusing place for many people. That is why it is time to become your own healthcare advocate! Truthfully, no one is going to have your back like you will.  


For years it used to be that your doctor’s word was final. You trusted your doctor no questions asked, because they have the impressive medical degree. However, I hate to break it to you – doctors are just people at the end of the day and nobody is perfect. 


I have been in the healthcare industry long enough to have heard some truly outrageous and appalling recommendations that make my blood boil– such as surgeons suggesting joint replacements or spinal fusions to able bodied individuals before ever considering conservative methods first. It has become normal and accepted to fear monger patients into making decisions by telling them their imaging reveals something truly horrendous, when in actuality it is all a part of the normal aging process. If you haven’t read our last blog, “So My MRI Said ____” please do. When it comes to educating patients on orthopedic surgery, I always tell people, “Your surgeon gets paid to do surgeries… so what are they going to suggest? SURGERY!” Shocker, right? 


This does not mean that this is the best option for YOU or YOUR body.



So that is why I have compiled a list of ways to be your own healthcare advocate. Please consider taking these suggestions to heart, especially before making any big or important healthcare decisions!


  • ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS: What are my other options? What are the expected outcomes? What are the benefits and side effects? What is the most conservative method? Come prepared with a list of questions. If you don’t understand something, ask them to explain it again or in simpler terms. If your doctor seems “annoyed” or like you are wasting their time by all your questions, time to find a new doctor.  

  • HAVE SOMEONE ELSE PRESENT TO ADVOCATE FOR YOU: Often times making important decisions can make any individual stressed or anxious. This means your head might not be in the right place and you may forget to ask the important questions. It is your right to have someone present with you to help you with big decisions.

  • DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH: We live in an era where endless knowledge is at our finger tips. You have boundless resources to make an informed decision. Not to mention chat rooms and support groups of people going through the same exact thing. Learning from others who have been through what you are going through is truly invaluable. The more you educate yourself, the better your will be able to make an informed decision.

  • GET A SECOND OPINION: If you ever feel like you are being pressured into doing what your doctor suggests, or they dissuade you from pursuing other options, time to get a second opinion. A good doctor will always answer all your questions, validate your concerns, not discourage you from learning more, and will go over all your options in detail.

  • TRY CONSERVTIVE METHODS FIRST: often times the most invasive method is not the best method. The conservative option might take more time and effort on your part, however it could save you from pointless procedures, decrease the chance of undesired outcomes, and save you time and money in the long run.   

  • KEEP TRACK OF YOUR OWN MEDICAL RECORDS: Like I mentioned earlier, no one is going to keep track of your own health records like you do. People are fallible, and records can get lost in the system. Trust me, I’ve seen it happen on countless occasions. It is your right to ask for all your records. 

  • UNDERSTAND YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE: Ever undergone a procedure or been through rehab and then months later you received a giant medical bill in the mail because your insurance decided not to cover something? Knowing how your health insurance works is important to save you money. And a lot of the time, going out-of-network can also save you time and money in the long run. 


Here at The PATH we pride ourselves on putting you, the patient, first and foremost. We want to provide you with the most holistic experience possible, so that means educating each patient on everything from your diagnosis to your personalized plan of care. An educated patient is the best patient! If you are ever concerned about what your imaging revealed or hesitant about the recommendations, we will do our very best to provide you with the knowledge to make an informed decision. Better yet, schedule your FREE phone consultation and talk to one of our experienced Doctors of Physical Therapy. We will go beyond the status quo by providing you with the appropriate education and highly individualized physical therapy to get you back to physical excellence. 

Dr. Samantha Dowling




Why am I still in pain?


“So my MRI said____”