How to optimize your meal timing and food intake to have a 10/10 workout

Are you someone who has to workout early in the morning or later in the evening after work? Do you ever feel like you’re a bit light headed or sluggish during your workouts? Do you wish you could feel better during your PT sessions and make sure you’re getting the most out of your hard work? Read ahead and find out if you’re fueling your body well before intentional exercise! 

While the general population doesn’t need to concern themselves with intricate nutrient timing like an athlete may, we could still consider some easy to execute habits that can be helpful to get the most out of your training and PT sessions. (General population refers to those who go to work most days of the week, train at the gym a few days and may have a PT session or two.) This can also include any recreational, moderate activity such as tennis, hiking long miles and playing basketball. 

Why do I need to think about fueling my body before I workout? 

Eating a balanced meal before exercising can: 

-help maintain energy levels during the workout and after 

-preserve and build muscle mass 

-aide in recovery 

Consuming a balanced meal consisting of a protein, carbohydrate and small fat source can help your body sustain activity better and longer. 

Why do we need Protein and Carbohydrates?: 

Protein can help maintain muscle tissue as well as reduce muscle damage created during exercise (a totally normal process). By eating protein beforehand you’ll already have some resources “on board” to aid in this process! Consuming protein post workout is recommended as well. 

Carbohydrates help to fuel your training AND recovery! It will also help to regulate blood sugar response during exercise and prevent some of that “crash” or excessive hunger we may experience if we’re used to not eating beforehand. 

Fats are helpful for slowing down digestion and can aid in maintaining your blood sugar levels as well. I recommend consuming a small amount, not a large serving. For most people it’s wise to consume more fats AFTER exercise so your stomach isn’t full during your workout. A lot of clients report that consuming fat right before or during their exercise was not a very comfortable experience. 

How do we accomplish this? 

-Eat 1-2 hours before you exercise. If you can’t- choose something you can drink that won’t upset your stomach like fruit juice or a protein shake/gatorade. 

-Plan ahead of time. Try some easy foods the next few times you workout and have them available for you to grab so you’re prepared. 

What can I eat?

1-2 hours before- consume a protein, carb and small fat source 

-smoothie with small spoonful of peanut butter 

-eggs and toast 

-apple and a protein shake 

30 min before (especially if you wake up early or are in a pinch) 

-Apple and protein shake 

-Fruit Juice and cheese stick 

If you’re used to working out early in the morning fasted (not having eaten anything since the evening before)- a shake is a great idea, and you might feel better during your workouts. 

Ready to see if you can up your pre-workout nutrition game? Try some of these tips before your next trip to the gym or PT and see how it goes! You could feel better with each session. I hope you found this article helpful, now let’s get to eating! 

Talk soon, 

Coach Elise 



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