The Importance of Finding your “Why”?

If you have been following us for a while or have been one of our clients in the past, you probably know that we take a lot of time to determine someone’s “why” when they come to see us.

But WHY is finding your “why” so important?

It all comes down to finding your true motivation behind your goals. If you are able to dig deep and uncover the reasons why you have set a particular goal or goals for yourself, then you are more likely to succeed. This process of unveiling your true motivation, however, requires you to get vulnerable and possibly uncomfortable.


When we create goals for ourselves that are rooted in a deep, emotional connection, we will find ourselves more willing to endure the challenges and setbacks along the journey to achieving said goals. In the opposite situation, if we set goals that are based on more superficial reasons with little or no emotional value, we are more likely to jump ship and retire those goals entirely when the road becomes tough. So how do we find that deep, emotional anchor to our goals?


The answer: go 3 layers deep.

This is a technique we use for ourselves and with our clients when establishing the motive behind new goals. Once you’ve set a goal, ask yourself why you want to achieve that goal. When you’ve answered that question, ask “why?” again. Then when you’ve uncovered the next layer, go even further and ask yourself “why?” once more. This process seems redundant, but it forces you to critically think about your goals and dig deep for a true emotional anchor behind them. To put it into context, here is an example of a conversation that I had with a previous client whose goal was to be able to run a 5k pain free.


During our initial consultation I had asked, “So what is this knee pain stopping you from doing?”


He responded, “Running. I would really like to run pain free again.”


I then followed up with, “Why the goal of running? Do you have a specific race or event in mind?”


The response: “Yeah actually. I really want to run the Sound to Narrows 5k this year.”


I probed a little deeper and asked, “Awesome! Why the Sound to Narrows 5k specifically?”


This client proceeded to tell me that his father used to run the Sound to Narrows every year, had been doing so for most of his life and was very ingrained in that community. Running was very much a large part of his father’s life and identity. He then stated that his father had unexpectedly passed away recently, and he wanted to run the same race in honor of his father’s memory.


That right there is a powerful emotional anchor.


When you are able to establish something just as strong for yourself and your goals, nothing will come in the way of you achieving them. Yes, there will be speed bumps, setbacks and challenges along the way, but you will have the fuel to push forward no matter the obstacle.


So, the next time you decide to set some goals for yourself, whether they are related to health and wellness or not, take the time to sit down and go through this process. Challenge yourself to go 3 layers deep. Actually commit to writing it all down on paper. You may be surprised by how long the process may take and what you end up uncovering, but ultimately you will set yourself up for success by rooting your goals to a strong foundation from the start.

Dr. Paulina Tselikis


Co-Owner | The PATH Rehab & Performance


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