Want to play hard until you’re 80+? Here’s the secret…
Imagine this scenario: you’ve retired early, are in a financially comfortable position, and now have all the time in the world to pursue your dreams of traveling the world, hitting the gym regularly, hiking multiple times per week, and spending time with family. 2 months into retirement, knee pain starts to impact your ability to work out the gym to your fullest, enjoy your hikes, and even walk up and down stairs without issues. You rest for a while but the pain doesn’t improve. You get a knee replacement. After 6 months of rehab, you’re finally feeling well enough to start pushing it at the gym, trying some light hikes, and planning that trip you had to put off. But then your shoulder starts hurting. The vicious cycle continues and before you know it you’re years into retirement, out of shape, and unable to do any of the things you had planned because your body isn’t holding up.
This is the unfortunate reality of the majority of patients that end up in traditional Physical Therapy clinics. They have dreams of thriving into their old age and become jaded when their bodies seem to fail them at every turn.
Most of our clients come to us with the overarching goal of getting out of pain and getting proactive with their physical health so that the above scenario doesn’t become a reality. It’s why we founded The PATH; to enable active and motivated individuals to live and move at a high level, pain-free, for as long as possible.
Then what’s the secret? How are there people in their 90’s running marathons and deadlifting 400+lbs?
Consistency, accountability, and perseverance. That’s it. The secret is that it is no secret at all.
But while there are some people who are innately strong in these three traits, and are able to independently navigate the waters of fitness, longevity, and health, most end up shooting in the dark. They strive to “exercise more” or “finally get that shoulder taken care of,” but end up with a random series of workouts, at a random frequency, and experience random or disappointing results.
Get a coach. Get on a structured program. Decide that the pain that has been lingering for years is unacceptable and find someone to help who won’t take “good enough” as an answer when it comes to your health.
This is why at The PATH, we work with many clients on a recurring monthly basis via our Performance Plus Program. We’re not satisfied when the pain starts to go away; we want it to stay away for good so that you can work on bigger and better things.
Whether it is with a coach, trainer, The PATH, or some combination, it is important to have a steady support team to hold you accountable, keep you consistent, and persevering through life’s roadblocks as opposed to being halted by them.
Looking to kickstart or supplement your training protocol, fix and get ahead of injuries, and move better for life? Click here or send us an email at info@thepathpt.com to get started!
Dr. Brooks Kenderdine
Co-Owner | The PATH Rehab & Performance